Thursday, November 20, 2008


Sometimes when things are blurry (as above) you see things is not so bad as it seems through your eyes.
(BTW its Collin on a night of spontaneous practice in the Goldman Family household.)

Tait Deemas, Aaron Sleadd and Alex playing before the Jr. speech club rejoined together....check it (Jr. Tournament) out at other family blogs....

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Jr. Tournament 2008

Esther Anderson, Cassie...duo partners...cousins and close friends.

The boys...Jonathan, William, Levi and Jared...all cousins and buddies too.

Murren, Abigail and Mailee....oh cousins as well! Friends as well.

William with his expository board on signs.

I think he had too much fu...HA

He did an awesome job....he tied with his cousin (Mercy) and there had to be a tie breaker. Pretty exciting!

All cousins....pretty funny! Notice all the pretty guess....YEP Grandma Dot went shopping for the tournament! :)

We had a wonderful time at the NCFCA Jr. Speech Tournament here in Medford yesterday! God is faithful and we are so happy....with the children and all the work they did for this event. Cassie and Esther got 2nd place in duo, Twins (Mailee and Murren) got 3rd place in the duo. William 2nd place in Expository, Mailee 3rd place in poem, Murren made it to the break in Scripture. They had fun and I know it is helping them in their "future stations in life!"